Our History


OXFORD CITIZENS FOR PEACE (OCP) formed in response to the growing danger of the nuclear arms race between the U.S.  and the U.S.S.R. and the heightened tensions of the Cold War.


We opened the first Peace Center in a small office space at 16 S. Campus at the invitation of the Campus Ministry Center.  Linda Musmeci Kimball, a founding member of OCP and OCPJ, became the director.


Merged with with Oxford’s Central America Peace Coalition and became:



OCPJ moved into the enclosed porch of the Old Rectory at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church at 19 1/2 W. Walnut


Janis Dutton became the director upon Linda Musmeci Kimball’s retirement. (Of course, like most activists, she didn’t really retire.)


Moved back into 16 S. Campus, now The Interfaith Center.  The newly named Peace and Justice Resource Center now has elbow room for the archives of our history since 1979; our books, videos, and other resources; and for small group conversations.


Our Peace and Justice Resource Center is as welcoming as ever.  The new steward of the space is Ann Fuehrer, a long-time OCPJ member and Board member.  Ann was hired as a consulting Facilitator when Janis Dutton retired as Director in the summer of 2021.  Ann’s role is to keep the Peace Center open, and to support the work of OCPJ members and Board members as we advocate collaboratively to build a citizen’s movement, acting locally, for peace and justice.