Get Involved


Those interested in peace and justice issues are encouraged to become members become members of Oxford Citizens for Peace and Justice. Members will receive issues of the Peace Center Press, and are welcome to join our listserv where we post important news and action alerts. You are also encouraged to share your time, ideas, and talents with the organization.


Contributions from members and friends support the Peace and Justice Resource Center and related activities. Your financial support and participation are important to OCPJ’s efforts to further peace and justice through education and action.


Participation and financial support from members and other supporters are critical to OCPJ’s efforts to further peace and justice through education and action. Follow the link to see how you can volunteer, meeting information, or other ways you can participate.

Feel free to contact uscontact us at the Peace and Justice Resource Center if you have questions or are looking for more information or community action on a peace and justice issue.

Let’s work together.