
Where in Oxford is OCPJ this summer?

In a college town, it is tempting to think that everyone goes on vacation from the end of May to the beginning of September. War, voter suppression, lack of affordable housing, food insecurity, budget crises, transphobia, and White nationalism never take a break. So neither do we. OCPJ is skipping our Board meeting in June, but we will continue to participate in local community events, and partner with other groups in actions for justice. Here is where you’ll find us…

June 6, 7:00 pm, 118 W. High St, Meeting of the Police Community Relations and Review Commission, standing alongside the Oxford Branch of the NAACP. We will hear and comment on recommendations to City Council, following up on external review of OPD response to a November 18, 2023 Brick Street incident. We imagine a community conversation in the fall to address continuing concerns about use of force.

First and Third Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 pm, 118 W. High St., to give input to Oxford City Council on a proposed levy to increase property taxes for Oxford residents to erase the growing deficit in funding of City EMS/Fire services.

June 20, 6:30 pm, Uptown Park for Enjoy Oxford!’s first Pride Picnic. The evening’s performance is by Miami University Steel Band. We will be sharing a table with Welcoming and Affirming faith communities, and will have buttons, stickers, information about oppressive bills currently being considered in the Ohio State Legislature, and small rainbow fruit skewers, since it’s a picnic!

June 24, 5:00-7:00 pm, 104 E. Church St., monthly meeting of Oxford Area Solutions for Housing (OASH), community-based planning to prevent homelessness and fill resource gaps for those who are unhoused in the Oxford area.

July 9, we will support Oxford Area Solutions for Housing (OASH) in their presentation at the weekly luncheon of the Kiwanis Club of Oxford, Ohio.

August 2, 6:00-10:00 pm, Red Brick Friday “Books on the Bricks”. We will display and read children’s picture books that have been challenged and banned around the country. Frequently, these books focus on experiences of BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ characters.

Everyday action–so many possibilities–just to name a few–volunteering at the Talawanda Oxford Pantry and Social Services (TOPSS) or Thread Up Oxford; tending the pollinator garden at the Oxford Community Park; or writing postcards with members of Defending Democracy, a bipartisan sub-group of the Butler County Progressive PAC.